Sponsor A Mist Net

Bird banding has played a key role in landbird migration monitoring efforts on Presque Isle since 1960. Long-term data sets such as ours have proven to be invaluable to avian research as they grant researchers the opportunity to look for trends, changes, and patterns over a much larger picture. This in turn allows for a better understanding of migration patterns, population trends, and overall life cycles— just to name a few— as well as a better understanding of what actions we can and should take in an effort to better aid our feathered friends.

One of the biggest expenses to our bird banding program is often the cost of mist nets. Mist nets are one of the main tools we use to safely capture birds for banding purposes and are made from a fine mesh specifically designed to not cause harm nor injury to birds. Unfortunately, this finer mesh also means that despite our best efforts, nets can easily become snagged or otherwise ripped or torn. Our nets are also specifically designed for the smaller birds that we catch; larger birds such as turkeys pass right through them, leaving a nice turkey-sized hole in their wake. A deer that is spooked by someone walking on one of the trails can literally tear through several nets, immediately rendering them unfixable and worthless. And because these are highly specialized nets, they are only produced by a select few worldwide, which is (understandably) reflected in their cost.

Sponsoring a mist net is one of the easiest ways to directly support EBO’s landbird monitoring efforts and help sustain our bird banding program.

Sponsor a mist net HERE

Or you can download the form found HERE and mail it along with a check to:
Erie Bird Observatory
301 Peninsula Drive, Suite 12
Erie, PA 16505   

Thank you for supporting Erie Bird Observatory’s avian research, education, and outreach efforts today! It is through your generosity that our work is made possible.